Today’s architecture industry is characterized by advancement of structures, complexification of architectural process, globalization of architecture projects and rapid development and spread of knowledge. The aim of the Department Architectural Engineering is to educate the students acquire new knowledge, scientific perspective and the ability to apply their knowledge and, produce specialized professionals who can lead the architectural engineering field and contribute to the betterment of our economy and humanity. The educational objective of Kwangwoon University’s Department of Architectural Engineering is to produce creative, practical and global architectural engineers.
Location : Rm.414, Hwado Hall
Tel : 82-2-940-5190
Fax : 82-2-940-5190
e-mail : kwarchi@kw.ac.kr
Website : http://archi.kw.ac.kr/
Course Descriptions
Building Construction
This course deals with understanding the physical features of building parts, concerning the design and construction of buildings. The basic process of materializing user's demands into building parts will also be studied, and practiced through actual tasks.
Architectural Design 1
This course deals with the basic knowledge required for architectural design. Main areas of study include basic construction structures, expression methods in design, blueprint design, application of planning theory and construction design process etc.
Building Environmental Technology
Architectural environment is a technological field that deals with the physical nature of buildings, which need to be considered in the process of design. Physical nature refers to space, heat, light, sound environment and indoor air quality, and the harmony of these elements rely strongly on the experience and knowledge of the architect. This course will fully make use of climatic and physical environmental elements, in order to introduce the basic theories, design and evaluation methods required for practical architecture work in relation to lighting, ventilation, the use of solar energy and sunlight control.
History of Architecture
History of architecture begins to conduct study on structures made from human needs, and further examines construction works reflecting the abstract concepts derived from the relationship of oneself and his surrounding environments(material, literary). This course focuses on discovering the elements required in modern architecture from the past constructions, by chronologically exploring the architectural history of the east and west.
Structural Analysis I
Structural dynamics deals with the analysis of external force upon structures, and its related stress and transformations, in order to design structures and investigate their structural behavior. This course covers the general theory of architectural structure understanding, and theoretical and methodological understanding on section force and displacement caused by the application of static loads on structures. In this course, the main area of study focuses on how to figure out the stress and transformation of statically determinate structures. In addition, the general theory of interpretation will be covered, including simple applications of general structure interpretation programs.
Structural Analysis II
Structural dynamics deals with the analysis of external force upon structures, and its related stress and transformations, in order to design structures and investigate their structural behavior. This course covers the general theory of architectural structure understanding, and theoretical and methodological understanding on section force and displacement caused by the application of static loads on structures. In this course, the main area of study focuses on how to figure out the stress and transformation of statically determinate structures. In addition, the general theory of interpretation will be covered, including simple applications of general structure interpretation programs.
Building Environmental Technology Ⅱ
As the demand for art galleries, museums and concert halls, opera houses increase, architects are required to understand the basic concepts and application methods of natural lighting, indoor lighting and acoustical design techniques in designing such types of buildings. Thus, fundamental theories and design techniques of natural lighting, indoor lighting and acoustics will be introduced in this course.
Architectural Design 2
This course deals with the concept of design and space arrangement, in relation to conditions of apartment houses. Further research will be conducted on the understanding of architectural conditions and creative & technological application methods of space.
Construction Engineering and Practice
This course is designed to study the basic knowledge of construction methods in relation to the physical construction process of buildings and related equipment, as well as the actual fieldwork situations, explored through field practice. It aims to cultivate basic knowledge required for the development and creation of new engineering methods and application of construction techniques.
Building Service System I
Of the many functions related to architecture, the environment control function is very important. It deals with enhancing the quality of buildings by reflecting on the various performance demanded by the users according to the building types and users' purpose of activities, as well as focusing on the importance of architectural facility systems in order to improve the work efficiency and comfort of occupants. This course will also connect with the department of architectural environment to introduce high construction technologies related to the basic principles of environment control systems for pleasant indoor surroundings, and its cooperation process.
Computer Aided Architectural Design
This course is offered to students who have completed the computer graphic course, and covers the techniques to express third dimensional structures and space, as well as high-dimentional computer application skills such as rendering and animation.
Reinforced Concrete Design I
This course covers the basic features and dynamic properties of material used in reinforced concrete, as well as the criterion for concrete structure calculation, in order to cultivate the abilities to design sub-materials of concrete structure, such as slab, beam, pillar, foundation, steps and walls. In addition, this course focuses on the structural system of reinforced concrete, as a preparation for the general theory of architecture, which is an applied architecture course covering the overall construction process, and also conducts study on the use of structure interpretation programs. In short, this course deals with the basic features and dynamic properties of material used in reinforced concrete, design of slabs, single and multiple rectangular beams, T-shaped beams, and shear strength.
Building Materials
This course covers the properties, composition and structure of construction materials and logical application of materials according to purpose and condition of buildings, in order to cultivate actual application skills regarding design and construction.
Building Code and Design Planning1
This course is designed to study the basic construction planning elements considered from the perspective of architectural roles, functions, structures and form, and also conduct comparison and analysis of actual application case studies. In addition, we will aim to understand the relationship between the earth, architecture and society, by studying the standards and rules of practical construction work, along with theoretical understanding on architectural planning according to types of construction.
Environmental Control System of Architecture
The study of environmental control system of architecture aims to provide an easier understanding of environmental control abilities to its students studying the related fields. Architectural environment is divided into several sectors such as climate, energy, thermal comfort, indoor air, light and sound environment etc and the particular focus of this course will be energy conservation and natural control system related to sustainable construction.
Construction Contracting
This course covers the outline of construction process, procurement of construction projects, functions, responsibility and rights of construction participants, basic understanding on the contract in relation to labor division, and the contract documents and policies.
Building Service System 2
As the society transforms into an information oriented society, interest on intelligent buildings are increasing, considering their ability to fit the recent demands of the architectural field. Among such technologies, the building automation system technology which performs effective operation and management of buildings, has recently shown rapid developments and is being used generally. Main areas of study will include the basic concept, composition and function of the building automation system, as well as integration plan for the efficient management of buildings, and future development plans regarding environment control systems.
Reinforced Concrete Design II
This course covers the basic features and dynamic properties of material used in reinforced concrete, as well as the criterion for concrete structure calculation, in order to cultivate the abilities to design sub-materials of concrete structure, such as slab, beam, pillar, foundation, steps and walls. In addition, this course focuses on the structural system of reinforced concrete, as a preparation for the general theory of architecture, which is an applied architecture course covering the overall construction process, and also conducts study on the use of structure interpretation programs. In short, this course deals with the design of pillars, foundations, steps, and walls such as load bearing and retaining walls.
Method of Structure and Design
This course conducts study and practice on overall construction theory and all types of structure technologies regarding load/ hypothetical structure/ RC structure/ steel-frame structure, based on the knowledge of architectural design theory, structural dynamics, and reinforced concrete structures. In addition, the use of structure interpretation program, which is used for structure design and interpretation, will be examined and applied to simple architectural structures.
Environmental Design of Architecture
Environmental design of architecture is divided into detailed sectors such as climate, energy, thermal comfort, indoor air, light, sound environment etc. This course will promote the understanding of pleasant environment, by studying the basic principles of each physical environment sector, conducting measurements through various types of measurement instruments and experiment equipment on site, and analyzing the results.
Building Resource Management
This course is designed to study the basic concepts of resource management, which is used for schedule management of construction projects, and the various related application theories. Students will learn to use the building resource management computer program, and aim to develop practical management skills through practice exercises regarding actual construction projects.
Construction Management and Administration
This course covers basic business management knowledge applied to the construction process, such as the composition and roles of construction organizations, business strategy, project development, construction knowledge management, and PMIS.
Building Construction Economics
This course covers the basics of construction from an economic perspective, including building cost estimate, VE(Value Engineering), LCC(Life Cycle Cost) analysis, and engineering economy.
Steel Structure Design
This course focuses on the basic principles and safety issues of steel structures, universally applied to high-rise modern architecture. Main areas of study include the basic theory of structural dynamics regarding steel structure composition, detailed applications, and the overall formulations used in structural design.
Building Services Systems
This course covers the basics for construction facility design, and types of elements which compose building facilities, as well as their relations and functions.
Integrated Architectural Engineering Design and Planning1
This course deals with understanding the overall curriculum of architectural engineering, and aims to form a foundation for the graduation thesis, based on architectural engineering theory. Topics for the thesis should relate to important issues in the field of architectural engineering, and research methods along with thesis writing methods will be examined.
Construction Project Planning
This course is designed to understand construction design documents, and conduct performance and economic feasibility analysis regarding the alternatives suggested for construction methods and materials, according to the given construction period, costs and self-made decision making criteria. Through such analysis, students will select the alternative that results in higher value. This course will be operated in teams and task projects, and each team will be able to cultivate teamwork and presentation skills through the preparation of final presentations regarding their project results.
Structural Dynamics for Architectural Design
This course deals with the study of vibration, which occurs when dynamic loads and force loads, that change in size as time passes, effect construction structures, according to structure type. Other areas of study include how to reduce the damage due to vibration, vibration interpretation method, and dynamic phenomenon that occur on structures in cases of earthquakes.
Building Service Planning
This course deals with the elements composing building facilities, and their relations and functions. Also, actual building service planning will be executed through load calculation of the whole process of construction facilities, starting from planning.
Integrated Architectural Engineering Design and Planning2
This course deals with understanding the overall curriculum of architectural engineering, and aims to form a foundation for the graduation thesis, based on architectural engineering theory. Topics for the thesis should relate to important issues in the field of architectural engineering, and research methods, thesis writing methods and engineering presentation skills will be trained.
Structure Service Planning
This course aims to cultivate design application skills by directly planning and executing the whole process of structure design, including structure planning/interpretation/sub-material design and material selection, based on pre-acquired structural knowledge.
Building Code and Design Planning2
This course conducts study on the basic construction planning elements to be considered in regard to the role, function, structure, formation of construction, and also examines case studies of actual application, through comparison and analysis. It also aims to understand the relationship between architecture, the earth and society, by studying the standards and rules related to practical construction work, and theories on architectural planning according to construction type.
Construction Practice
This course covers the practical roles of an architect, from the beginning stages of a project on to planning, design, administration, supervision, building completion and project evaluation, as well as the organizational principles of an architectural office and the systematical preparation of architectural documents. In order to develop practical work abilities, students will be trained at the work site of actual architecture offices and construction sites.
Construction Engineering Capstone Design1
This course will wrap up all the contents studied during the four undergraduate years and work on projects in team units, as the final stage of architectural design. This project will cultivate the skills to raise and solve problems that can arise in the full course of design, experimentation and modification.