Educational Objectives
As populations become increasingly aged, the important of and demand for asset management will continue to grow. As a program for individuals working full- or part-time, the Department of Asset Management of Kwangwoon University is focused on providing students with opportunities to practice specific techniques and procedures as well as on providing theoretical knowledge. The students will be able to get answers to questions they had working in the field, expand their scope of practice and ultimately improve their work efficiency.
Majors and Studies
Offering a curriculum that encompasses a variety of studies including basic law courses, real estate, finance and business administration, the Department of Asset Management aims to produce well-rounded asset management specialists that can offer services in various industries. In the previous asset management curriculum, law studies were part of subsidiary courses but because ensuring compliance is as important as investment and high performance in asset management, the Department will educate students to have expansive knowledge in laws, business administration, economics and accounting.