Recent Research Accomplishments


Breakthrough in New Operating Principles for Electrocatalysts in Hydrogen Peroxide Production

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  • 2024-05-21
  • 565

The Research team of Professor Young Jin Sa

(Department of Chemistry)

Unveils New Operating Principles for Electrocatalysts in Hydrogen Peroxide Production

- Improved performance via redox mediation effects of cerium oxide-based catalysts -

- Published in the prestigious international journal of catalysis, ACS Catalysis (IF: 12.9) - 

The research team of Professor Young Jin Sa from the Department of Chemistry at Kwangwoon University, along with master's student So-hee Kim (first author), has developed a new catalyst essential for the production of hydrogen peroxide using electricity and unveiled its operating principles, and published a paper in ACS Catalysis (IF: 12.9), a prestigious international catalysis journal published by the American Chemical Society.


Professor Young Jin Sa explained, ‘The principle of the activity enhancement effect of ceria presented in this research is expected to be universally applicable as it can be similarly applied to the development of future electrocatalysts for hydrogen peroxide production and to the development of catalysts used in other energy conversion devices such as fuel cells and electrolysis units.’


The research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea’s Mid-Career Researcher/Connected Young Successor project (NRF-RS-2023-00208805).


사영진 교수, 김소희 학생, 세리아-산소나노튜브 촉매의 작동원리 모식도(사진 왼쪽부터)

(From left in the photo) Professor Young Jin Sa, Student So-hee Kim, schematic diagram of the operating principle of the ceria-oxygen nanotube catalyst.