Recent Research Accomplishments


Silent Power: Kwangwoon University's Breakthrough in High-Power Hybrid Nanogenerator

  • admin
  • 2024-03-27
  • 427

Research Team of Professor Jae-young Park at Kwangwoon University Successfully Developed a Noiseless High-Power Hybrid Nanogenerator

- Developed a hybrid nanogenerator capable of generating high-powered electricity from various human body movements without generating physical noise -

- Expected to be used as a semi-permanent environmentally friendly power source for portable and wearable electronic devices and sensor systems -

- Published in Nano Energy (IF: 17.6), the prestigious international academic journal by Elsevier -


The research team of Professor Jae-young Park (Department of Electronic Engineering) has succeeded in developing high-power hybrid energy harvesting technology that can convert low-frequency biomechanical energy from various human body movements into electrical energy without generating physical noise.


광운대 박재영 교수팀, 소음이 없는 고출력 하이브리드 나노발전기 개발
박재영교수, 장세붕 박사 사진자료

<(Left) Professor Jae-young Park (Right) Dr. Shipeng Zhang>


The research was funded by the government (Ministry of Science and ICT) through the Mid-Career Researcher Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2020R1A2C2012820), the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's Industrial Technology Innovation Program (RS-2022-00154983, Development of Standalone Power Sensor Platform for Low-Power Sensors and Actuators), and Kwangwoon University's Excellent Researcher Support Program. The research results were published in Nano Energy (IF: 17.6), a leading journal in energy materials and devices by Elsevier. Dr. Shipeng Zhang, the first author of this research, was appointed as an associate professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Qingdao University in China in February 2024.


Web link:


소음이 없이도 고출력의 전기를 수확할 수 있는 마찰전기-전자기력 하이브리드 나노발전기와 응용 예시 

<Triboelectric-electromagnetic hybrid nanogenerator capable of harvesting high-power electricity without noise and application examples>