Recent Research Accomplishments


Wearable Electronics: Revolutionizing Mental Health Care

  • admin
  • 2023-12-15
  • 710
Research team of Professor Nam-Young Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering) Successfully Developed Wearable Electronics for Human Mental Health Conditions

- Published in Nano Energy, top scientific journal with IF of 19.069, JCR 1% Q1 -

- Developed Wearable Electronics for Human Mental Health Conditions -


<(좌)은비비 박사과정 연구원 (우)김남영 교수>

<(Left) Doctoral Researcher BiBi Eun, (Right) Professor Nam-Young Kim >


Professor Nam-Young Kim and PhD student BiBi Eun from the Department of Electronic Engineering successfully developed wearable electronics for human mental health conditions.


[웨어러블 디바이스를 사람 손목 장착 개념도]

[웨어러블 디바이스를 사람 손목 장착 개념도]

[Conceptual diagram of a wearable device on a person's wrist]


The research findings were published in the prestigious international journal, Nano Energy (IF=19.069) under the title, 'A wearable device based on the ionic liquid decorated sponge-like ultraviolet-curable resin for recognizing human mental health conditions.’
