Recent Research Accomplishments


Plasma Catalytic System: A Game-Changer for PFAS Removal

  • admin
  • 2023-12-15
  • 694
Research team of Professor Min Jang (Department of Environmental Engineering) has developed plasma catalytic system for removal of 'eternal chemicals' PFAS

- Published in scientific journal, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL (IF: 22.1, JCR rank: 0.9%) -


광운대학교 장민 교수 연구팀, ‘영원한 화학물질’ PFAS 제거를 위한 플라즈마 촉매 시스템 개발


The research team of Professor Min Jang (Department of Environmental Engineering) [Corresponding author, Vice Director of the Plasma Bio Center (PBRC), Environmental Nanotechnology Research Laboratory] , together with Research Professor Cho-eun Jong (first author), Dr. Jun-seop Lim, Research Professor Young-jun Hong, Professor Kun-jun Lee, and Professor Eun-ha Choi (Director of PBRC), discovered that the plasma-catalyst process effectively produces aqueous electrons and hydroxyl radicals (·OH) that can effectively remove perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). .


사진 캡션: 플라즈마 촉매 시스템을 사용한 PFOA 제거를 위한 수화전자 및 하이드록실 라디칼 생성 DFT 개략도.

Schematic representation of the generation of aqueous electrons and hydroxyl radicals for PFOA removal using the plasma catalytic system.


The research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (2021R1A6A1A03038785), and the findings were published in the online version of the scientific journal, 'Applied Catalysis B: Environmental' (IF: 22.1, JCR ranking 0.9%) on October 19, 2023, under the title, 'Understanding the synergistic effect of hydrated electron generation from argon plasma catalysis over Bi2O3/CeO2 for perfluorooctanoic acid dehalogenation: Mechanism and DFT study.'


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