Recent Research Accomplishments


Advancing DRAM Test Reliability: Circuit Design Breakthroughs

  • admin
  • 2023-12-07
  • 698

Research team of Professor Juhyeong Chae (Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering) Developed Circuit Design Technology to Improve the Test Reliability of DRAM

- Published in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IF: 5.6, JCR: 86.5%) -


The research team of Professor Juhyeong Chae (Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering) successfully developed a circuit design technology to improve the test reliability of low-speed wafer testing, which is part of the DRAM mass production test processes.


The research was supported by government funding (Ministry of Science and ICT) through the Institute for Information & Communications Technology Promotion (IITP)’s  'PIM Artificial Intelligence Semiconductor Core Technology Development Project'  (2022-0-01013; Edge Computing Enhanced DRAM PIM Semiconductor Technology Development, 2022-0-01037; High-performance PIM Memory Semiconductor Technology Development based on DRAM), the 'Wireless Mobile Future Leading Technology Development Project' of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2021M1B3A3102358; Development and Demonstration of 433MHz-based Drone Communication Technology), and support from the University's Excellent Researcher Support Program. The research results were published in the prestigious international academic journal, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IF: 5.6, JCR: 86.5%), under the title "Design of Clocked Comparator Preventing Bit Errors to Improve Reliability of Low-Speed DRAM Measurement."

*Web Link:


<DRAM Test Path와 테스트 신뢰성을 높이기 위한 회로설계기술이 포함된 프로토타입 IC 칩 및 검증을 위한 셋업>


<Setup for the prototype IC chip and verification including the DRAM Test Path and circuit design technology to improve test reliability>