Recent Research Accomplishments


Advancing Wearable Health Tech: High-Output Stretchable Nanogenerator Innovations

  • admin
  • 2023-11-23
  • 675

The Research team of Professor Jaeyoung Park (Department of Electronic Engineering) develops a high-output stretchable triboelectric nanogenerator based on hybrid metal-organic frameworks

- Development of High-Performance Nanocomposite Material for triboelectric Nanogenerator Using Metal-Organic Frameworks and α-MoO3 Base -

- Development of biomotion and Physiological Signal (Respiration, Heartbeat, etc.) Monitoring Sensors for Wearable Medical/Healthcare IoT Applications -

- Publication in the Prestigious International Journal, Chemical Engineering Journal by Elsevier (IF: 17.06) -


The research team of Professor Jaeyoung Park successfully developed a highly negative triboelectric nanocomposite material by synthesizing molybdenum trioxide (α-MoO3) nanowires and metal-organic frameworks (MOF-525) with silicone.


The research team of Professor Jaeyoung Park successfully developed a highly negative triboelectric nanocomposite material by synthesizing molybdenum trioxide (α-MoO3) nanowires and metal-organic frameworks (MOF-525) with silicone.


<박재영 교수(좌), 소헬 박사(우)>

<Professor Jaeyoung Park (left), Dr. Sohel (right)>


The research was supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2020R1A2C2012820) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy through the Industrial Technology Innovation Program (RS-2022-00154983, Development of self -powered sensor platform for low-power sensors and actuators,). The results were published in the Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 17.06) by Elsevier, one of the highest-rated journals in the field of chemical engineering. Dr. Sohel, the first author, has been a professor at Noakhali Science and Technology University, a public university in Bangladesh since July 2023.


<α-MoO3·MOF-525·실리콘(Silicone) 나노복합소재 기반 고출력 마찰전기 나노발전기 구조와 이를 활용하여 인체활동 및 생체신호 실시간 모니터링 응용 예시>