Recent Research Accomplishments


Breakthrough: Flexible Tactile Sensor for Human-Computer Interaction

  • admin
  • 2023-11-23
  • 669

The Research team of Professor Nam-young Kim (Department of Electronic Engineering) successfully develops a tactile sensor for the interaction between humans and computers, state monitoring, and motion detection

- Published in Chemical Engineering Journal, the scientific journal of JCR 1.8% Q1, IF: 16.774 -

- Successful development of a flexible tactile sensor for interaction between humans and computers - 


(좌)요소 교수 (우)김남영 교수

(Left) Professor Yoso (Right) Professor Nam-young Kim


The research team of Professor Kim Nam-young at Kwangwoon University (Department of Electronic Engineering) successfully developed a flexible tactile sensor for the interaction between humans and computers for nano-weak signal detection through collaborative research with Professor Yoso from Qingdao University.


촉각 센서를 기반으로 한 작은 신호 지각에 대한 개략도 촉각 센서를 기반으로 한 작은 신호 지각에 대한 개략도


The research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) under the Ministry of Education, as a key research center support project (No. 2018R1A6A1A03025242). The research was published in the Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=16.774), the internationally renowned journal by Elsevier under the title "Enhanced sensitivity and detection range of a flexible pressure sensor utilizing a nano-cracked PVP hierarchical nanofiber membrane formed by BiI3 sublimation" (