Recent Research Accomplishments


Innovative Skin Patch for Blood Glucose and ECG Monitoring

  • admin
  • 2023-09-26
  • 916
The Research Team of Professor Jaeyoung Park

(Department of Electronic Engineering) Develops Breathable Skin Patch for Blood Glucose and ECG Monitoring

- Developed a 3D Carbon Nanofiber Mesh-Based Skin Patch Sensor Enabling Simultaneous Blood Glucose and ECG Monitoring -

- Expected to be used for Remote Smart Management and Treatment of Chronic Diseases and Metabolic Syndromes -

- Published as a Cover Article in the Internationally

renowned Academic Journal, Advanced Functional Materials

by Wiley (IF: 19.92) -


Professor Jaeyoung Park and his research team (Dept. of Electronic Engineering) successfully developed a porous TiO2 nanocatalyst-rich three-dimensional fibrous carbon nanofiber (TiO2@LCNFs) mesh and a high-performance electrochemical-physical hybrid skin patch sensor using it, by applying laser carbonization technology applied to mesophase-PDFE nano-composite fibers.


<박재영 교수(좌)와 샤리프자만 박사(우)>

<Professor Jaeyoung Park (Left) and Dr. Sharif Zaman (Right)> 


The research was supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy’s Industrial Technology Innovation Program (RS-2022-00154983, Development of a Self-sustaining  Power Source Sensor Platform for Low-Power Sensors and Actuators) and the Outstanding Researcher Support Program at Kwangwoon University. The research results were published as a cover article of Advanced Functional Materials (IF: 19.92) by Wiley. in the world's top functional materials and components journal.  The first author, Dr. Sharif Zaman, has been working as a researcher at the University of Kiel in Germany since March 2023.

<3차원 섬유형 탄소나노섬유 (TiO2@LCNFs) 메쉬 기반의 나노하이브리드 피부 패치센서 구조와 성능>

<Structure and Performance of Nano-Hybrid Skin Patch Sensor Based on 3D Fiber Carbon Nanofiber (TiO2@LCNFs) Mesh>


<통기성을 가지는 나노 하이브리드 피부 패치센서의 논문표지 이미지>


<Cover Image of the Paper on Breathable Nano-Hybrid Skin Patch Sensor>