Recent Research Accomplishments


Advancing Hydrogen Peroxide Detection with Ultra-Sensitive Sensor

  • admin
  • 2023-09-26
  • 815

The Research Team of Professor Jihoon Lee

(Department of Electronics Engineering) Develops Ultra-Sensitive Hydrogen Peroxide Detection Sensor Based on 3D Porous Au/CuO/Pt Hybrid Electrode

- Developed a 3D Porous Au/CuO/Pt Hybrid Platform Electrode

to Overcome the shortcomings of Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Detection Sensor -

- Developed a 3-Electrode On-Chip Biosensor Kit,

Demonstrating 25,836 μA mM-1cm-2 Ultra-High Sensitivity and

30-Hour Continuous Stability -

- Published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,

the 1st Ranked Journal in the JCR Category-


(좌) 루투자 박사과정 연구원 (우) 이지훈 교수

(Left) Doctoral Researcher, Rutuja Mandavkar, (Right) Professor Jihoon Lee


The research team of Professor Jihoon Lee (Dept. of Electronic Engineering), in collaboration with Rutuja Mandavkar (the first author), a doctoral researcher, successfully developed  an ultra-sensitive hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) detection sensor using a 3D porous Au/CuO/Pt hybrid framework. In this research, the team proposed a 3D porous Au/CuO/Pt hybrid sensor platform to overcome the shortcomings of non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxide detection sensors and succeeded in developing the Au/CuO/Pt hybrid sensor and a 3-electrode on-chip biosensor kit. 


 3차원 다공성 Au/CuO/Pt 하이브리드 플랫폼 개략도 및 3전극 온칩 (on-chip) 바이오센서. Au/CuO/Pt 하이브리드 센서는 25,836 μA mM-1cm-2의 초고감도와 1.8 nM (S/N = 3) 검출리밋, 과산화수소 (Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2) 환원에 대한 탁월한 촉매 성능을 나타냄. 또한, 염화나트륨 (NaCl), 과당 (fructose), 아스코르브산 (ascorbic acid), 구연산 (citric acid), 도파민 (dopamine) 및 포도당 (glucose)에 대해 탁월한 항간섭 능력 (anti-interference ability)을 보여주었다.

The research team included Rutuja Mandavkar (doctoral researcher, first author), Shusen Lin (integrated master's and Ph.D. program), Md Ahasan Habib (doctoral researcher), Shalmali Burse (doctoral researcher), Mehedi Hasan Joni (integrated master's and Ph.D. program), Sundar Kunwar (doctoral researcher), Jae-Hun Jeong (research professor, corresponding author), Jihoon Lee (professor, corresponding author), Adel Najar (United Arab Emirates University), and S. Assa Aravindh (University of Oulu, Finland, corresponding author) in an international collaborative research effort. Rutuja Mandavkar, the first author, entered the electronic engineering Ph.D. program at the university in 2020 and has since published numerous papers as a first-author or co-author. She is about to graduate.  The researcher, Rutuja is happy that her research on hydrogen oxide detection sensors has been published in an excellent journal, and she expresses her aspiration to continue her research at a prestigious research institute after graduation.


This research was supported by the Brain Korea 21 Plus (BK-21) program, a key research project, and Kwangwoon University and the research findings were published in the online edition of scientific journal Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (JCR category INSTRUMENTS & INSTRUMENTATION, ranked 1st, IF: 8.4) in the August 2023 under the title "Ultra-sensitive H2O2 sensing with 3-D porous Au/CuO/Pt hybrid framework."

