Recent Research Accomplishments


High-Sensitivity Wearable Humidity Sensor for Real-time Respiration Monitoring

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  • 2023-09-21
  • 847

Professor Ha Tae-Jun's Research Team Develops High-Sensitivity Wearable Humidity Sensor Based on Polyvinylpyrrolidone for Real-time Mobile Respiration Monitoring System

- Published in the Internationally renowned journal Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (IF: 8.4, JIF ranking: 99.2%) -


(좌측부터) 석사 과정 김명현, 하태준 교수, 석박사 통합과정 박상준

(From left to right) Master's student Kim Myeong-Hyun, Professor Ha Tae-Jun, Integrated Master's-Ph.D. program student Park Sang-Jun 


The research team of Professor Ha Tae-Jun (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering) has successfully developed a wearable high-sensitivity capacitive humidity sensor by synthesizing hydrophilic polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and combining it with multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)-based flexible electrodes. The results of this research were published in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (IF: 8.4, JIF ranking: 99.2%), a top international journal in the field of chemical sensors published, , by Elsevier, under the title 'All-printed wearable humidity sensor with hydrophilic polyvinylpyrrolidone film for mobile respiration monitoring.' (Reference:

신체 부착형의 친수성 PVP 기반 고감도 웨어러블 습도 센서 및 실시간 모바일 호흡 모니터링 시스템 그리고 이를 통해 사용자의 운동 상태에 따른 정전 용량 변화를 분석한 결과.

A hydrophilic PVP-based high-sensitivity wearable humidity sensor for body attachment and a real-time mobile respiratory monitoring system, with the analysis of capacitance variation based on the user's exercise status.