Recent Research Accomplishments


Advancing Electronic Skin for Tactile and Non-contact Detection

  • admin
  • 2023-09-21
  • 943
Professor Kim Nam-young's (Department of Electronics Engineering) Research Team Develops Advanced Polymer-Based Electronic Skin for Tactile and Non-contact Sensing Applications

- Published in the JCR 2% Q1, IF: 24.798 Scientific Journal "InfoMat Journal" -

- Successful Research and Development of Electronic Skin for Tactile and Non-contact Sensing Applications -


<(좌)은비비 박사과정 연구원 (우)김남영 교수>

<(Left) Ph.D. researcher Eun Bee-bee (Right) Professor Kim Nam-young>


The research team of Professor Kim Nam-young (Department of Electronics Engineering) and PhD student Eun Bee-bee (first author) have successfully developed "Electronic Skin for Tactile and Non-contact Sensing Applications." 


[촉각 및 비접촉 감지 애플리케이션을 위한 전자 스킨의 응용 분야]


[Applications of Electronic Skin for Tactile and Non-contact Sensing Applications]


The research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Key Research Institute Support Project funded by the Ministry of Education and the Basic Science Research Program through the Ministry of Environment (MOE). The research results were published in "InfoMat Journal" (IF=24.798), the internationally renowned journal published by Wiley, under the title "Advanced polymer materials-based electronic skins for tactile and non-contact sensing applications." (