Recent Research Accomplishments


Self-Powered Smart Insole with Nano-Generator for Gait Analysis

  • admin
  • 2023-08-07
  • 877


Professor Park Jae-young's Team Develops Power-Free Gait Analysis Smart Insole

Dual-Layer Nano-Fiber-Based High-Output Frictional Nano-Generator Developed -

Development of Smart Insole for Gait Analysis, Integrating Self-Powered Pressure Sensors and Deep Learning Technology -

Published in the Renowned International Journal "Nano Energy" (IF: 19.06) by Elsevie -


The research team led by Professor Park Jae-young from the Department of Electronic Engineering at Kwangwoon University has successfully developed a self-powered smart insole for Gait analysis, integrating friction-based nano-generators with deep learning technology. The insole, attached to shoes, utilizes self-powered pressure sensors and Bluetooth to real-time measure and monitor users' walking patterns, enabling wide applications such as gait analysis and correction, behavioral analysis, security systems, and disease prevention.


<박재영 교수(좌), 쿠마르 석박통합과정(우)>


This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT through the Korea Research Foundation's Mid-career Researcher Support Program (NRF-2020R1A2C2012820) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's Industrial Technology Innovation Program (RS-2022-00154983, Development of Stand-alone Power Sensor Platform for Low-power Sensors and Actuators). The research result was published in the top-tier energy materials and devices journal "Nano Energy" (IF: 19.069) by Elsevier.


 <무전원 압력센서와 딥러닝 기술을 접목한 스마트 깔창 구조 및 주요 성능>