Recent Research Accomplishments


Development of a Non-powered Sensor System That Can Detect and Control Object Motion Without Battery

  • admin
  • 2023-02-24
  • 1150



Professor Jae-young Park's Research Team Develops a Non-powered Sensor System That Can Detect and Control Object Motion Without a Battery

- Development of an Ultra-compact Non-powered Motion Sensor System That Can Monitor, Control, and Transmit/receive Detailed Information of an Object's Movement Wirelessly Without a Battery -

- Expected to Be Used in Future Intelligent Robots, Drones, Vr/ar, Self-driving Cars, Medical and Military Industries, Etc. -

- Published Paper in Nano Energy (IF: 19/069) of Elsiveer, the World's Leading Energy Journal - 


Professor Jae-Young Park's team (Department of Electronic Engineering) at Kwangwoon University succeeded in developing a non-powered motion sensor system that can wirelessly monitor and control the movement of objects without an external power source. 


<Prof. Park Jae-young (Left) and Trilochan doctoral student (Right)>



<Prof. Park Jae-young (Left) and Trilochan doctoral student (Right)>



This research was carried out with the support of the research foundation's mid-sized research project (NRF-2020R1A2C2012820) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's Industrial Technology Innovation Project (RS-2022-00154983, Development of a self-contained power sensor platform for low-power sensors and operation). The research results were published in Nano Energy (IF: 19.069) of Elsibir, the world's leading journal specializing in energy materials and device technology.


Web link:


<High-output energy harvester based on electromagnetic force, non-powered motion sensor based on dual-mode triboelectric nanogenerator, and real-time motion monitoring and control system demonstration using Bluetooth>


<High-output energy harvester based on electromagnetic force, non-powered motion sensor based on dual-mode triboelectric nanogenerator, and real-time motion monitoring and control system demonstration using Bluetooth>