Recent Research Accomplishments


Prof. Min Jang's Research Team Develops a Single Atom Catalyst for Producing Propylene Carbonate

  • admin
  • 2023-02-24
  • 1271

Professor Min Jang's Research Team Develops a Single Atom Catalyst for Producing Propylene Carbonate Using Co2 in the Atmosphere

- Published Thesis in Small (if: 15.153) of Wiley Publishing, an Internationally Renowned Academic Journal - 


Professor Min Jang's research team (Department of Environmental Engineering), along with postdoctoral researcher Wong Kien Tiek (first author), developed a graphitic carbon nitride (GCN) nanosheets doped with single atom Mo characterized by high surface area (exfoliated GCN), rich in NH2, and isolated Mo atoms NH2 at the edge.


Postdoctoral researcher Wong Kien Tiek (Left) and Prof. Min Jang (Right)

Postdoctoral researcher Wong Kien Tiek (Left) and Prof. Min Jang (Right)


Professor Min Jang's Research Team Develops a Single Atom Catalyst for Producing Propylene Carbonate Using Co2 in the Atmosphere

Meanwhile, this study was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Education's National Research Foundation of Korea Basic Science Research Project (2021R1A6A1A03038785) and the 2022 Research Fund (1.220038.01) of UNIST (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology), It was published in Small (Wiley) on November 20, 2022, entitled "Highly Exposed -NH2 Edge on Fragmented g-C3N4 Framework with Integrated Molybdenum Atoms for Catalytic CO2 Cycloaddition: DFT and Techno-Economic Assessment". The technology economic evaluation was conducted in collaboration with Professor Han-Kwon Lim's research team in the Department of Energy and Chemical Engineering at UNIST, and the DFT simulation was conducted in cooperation with Professor Sang-Gyu Kwak's research team in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Korea University. 


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