Recent Research Accomplishments


Enhanced Triboelectric Effects of Self-Poled MoS2-Embedded PVDF Hybrid Nanocomposite Films

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  • 2022-12-07
  • 1351


Professor Tae-Jun Ha (Department Of Electronic Materials Engineering) and his Research Team Developed a Flexible Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Improved Output Performance Based on Self-Poled Mos2@PVDF Thin Film

- Selected as the journal cover of ACS Nano (IF : 18.027, JIF ranking: 94.35%), a renowned international journal - 


하태준 교수 연구팀 (좌측부터) 박사과정 Bhavna Hedau, 하태준 교수, 석박사 통합과정 강병철
(From left) Ph.D. course Bhavna Hedau, Professor Ha Tae-joon, Master's and Ph.D. integrated course Kang Byeong-cheol


Kwangwoon University Professor Ha Tae-jun (Department of Electronic Materials Engineering) research team fabricated a self-poled MoS2@PVDF thin film based on Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). They succeeded in developing a flexible triboelectric nanogenerator with improved output performance.

 Self-poled MoS2@PVDF 기반 마찰전기 나노 발전기의 전력 생산 결과 및 이를 활용한 스마트폰, 스마트 워치 충전 기술 시연 결과

Power production of self-poled MoS2@PVDF-based triboelectric nanogenerator and demonstration of smart phone and smart watch charging technology using it 

The results of this research were published in ACS Nano (IF: 18.027, JIF ranking: 94.35%), the top international journal in nanoscience and nanomaterial technology published by the American Chemical Society. It was published under the title of "Enhanced Triboelectric Effects of Self-Poled MoS2-Embedded PVDF Hybrid Nanocomposite Films for Bar-Printed Wearable Triboelectric Nanogenerators" and was selected for the Supplementary journal cover.


(Research Publication: 

ACS Nano에 게재된 커버 이미지