Recent Research Accomplishments


Professor Kim Nam-Young's Research Team Succeeded in Developing a Hybrid Electronic Device

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  • 2022-12-06
  • 1411


Professor Kim Nam-Young's (Department of Electronic Engineering) Research Team

Succeeded in Developing a Hybrid Electronic Device

- JCR 1% Q1, IF: 19.069 Published in the scientific journal Nano Energy -

- Hybrid electronic device that combines piezoresistance and friction for a self-powered smart home system -


<(좌)은비비 박사과정 연구원 / (우)김남영 교수>

<(Left) PhD researcher FeiFei Yin / (Right) Professor Namyoung Kim>


The research team, led by Professor Kim Nam-young of Kwangwoon University's Department of Electronic Engineering, collaborated with FeiFei Yin, a Ph.D. student at Kwangwoon University, and Lee Yang, a professor from Kim Nam-young's laboratory. They have succeeded in developing a hybrid electronic device that combines bio piezoelectric resistance and friction for self-powered smart home systems. 



[하이브리드 전자 소자를 이용한 자가 발전 스마트홈 시스템]

[Self-powered smart home system using hybrid electronic devices]


The research results were published in Nano Energy (IF=19.069), an internationally renowned journal, under the title of “A high-performance, biocompatible, and degradable piezoresistive-triboelectric hybrid device for cross-scale human activities monitoring and self-powered smart home system.”


The research publication: