Recent Research Accomplishments


Hydrophobic Sulfur-Supported Zero-Ferrous Nanomaterial for ~100% Denitrification of Nitrate

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  • 2022-11-23
  • 1322


Professor Min Jang's Research Team Developed a Hydrophobic Sulfur-Supported Zero-Ferrous Nanomaterial for ~100% Denitrification of Nitrate in Groundwater

- Published in the Chemical Engineering Journal (JCR IF 16.74, JCR Rank: 2.8%) scientific journal - 


Professor Min Jang’s (corresponding author) research team at the Department of Environmental Engineering at Kwangwoon University developed sulfur-supported zero ferrous iron (S-nZVI) for complete denitrification of nitrate in water and investigated its nitrate removal mechanism. The research team members are Choong Choe Earn Research Professor (first author), Yoon So-yeon Master's and Ph.D. Integrated Course, Kien Tiek Wong Postdoctoral Fellow, Professor Eunha Choi from Plasma Bio Center, and Professor Jang Min.


   장민교수 연구팀 : Choong Choe Earn 연구교수, 윤소연 석박 통합 과정, Kien Tiek Wong 박사후 연구원, 최은하 교수, 장민 교수

(LR) Choong Choe Earn, Yoon So-yeon, Kien Tiek Wong, Eunha Choi, Jang Min 


This study was carried out as a basic science research support project (2021R1A6A1A03038785) supported by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and ICT. The research results were published in the online edition of the scientific journal Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 16.744, JCR rank: 2.8%) on October 26, 2022, under the title “Hydrophobic sulfur core-shell layered metallic iron for nitrate reduction with nearly 100% dinitrogen selectivity: Mechanism and field studies”. 


S-nZVI의 수중 NO3- 탈질 기작 및 HRTEM 이미지

Mechanism of NO3-denitrification in water and HRTEM images of S-nZVI


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