Recent Research Accomplishments


Professor Jae Y. Park's Team Developed a Self-Charging Eco-Friendly Power Cell

  • admin
  • 2022-10-12
  • 1493


Professor Jae Y. Park's Team Developed a Self-Charging Eco-Friendly Power Cell

- Self-charging eco-friendly power cell that does not require rectification and power management circuitry -

- Operates only with triboelectric nanogenerators and supercapacitors -

- Published a paper (IF:19.069) in Nano Energy of Elsivir Publishing, an internationally renowned journal -


Professor Jae Y. Park's research team (Department of Electronic Engineering) of Kwangwoon University has developed a power cell that can directly charge the energy harvested from the triboelectric nanogenerator into a supercapacitor without a separate rectification and power management circuit. The self-charging power cell developed by the research team is a device that integrates two triboelectric nanogenerators and one supercapacitor and can be used in various IoT products such as metaverses, games, and smart homes. 


< Professor Jae Y. Park (left) and Kumar Master's and Doctorate Program (right) >


This research was carried out with the support of the National Research Foundation (NRF-2020R1A2C2012820) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's Technology Innovation Project (NRF-2020R1A2C2012820) with government funds (Ministry of Science and ICT). The research results were published in Nano Energy (IF: 19.069) published by Elsevier, the world's leading journal specializing in energy materials and devices.

Published Research:



 < Examples of high-performance, non-contact triboelectric flexible nanogenerators and smart IoT applications >