Recent Research Accomplishments


Internet of Diseases (IoD) Platform

  • admin
  • 2022-10-11
  • 1378


Professor Joon Sub Shim of the Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering,

Developed the Internet of Diseases (IoD) Platform

- A precision infectious disease analysis system that can be distributed at low cost and linked to the Internet -

- It is possible to check the spread of infectious diseases in real time because even the initial infected can be tested with high accuracy -

- Selected as a cover paper for Advanced Materials Technologies journal (Impact Factor: 8.856) -


Professor Joon Sub Shim (Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering) of Kwangwoon University and his research team first proposed the concept of the Internet of Diseases (IoD). They developped a precision infectious disease analysis system that can be manufactured at a low cost and linked to the Internet. The developed system can diagnose infectious diseases such as COVID-19 using a small amount of saliva. Viruses can be detected even at very low concentrations, so even early infected people can be tested with accuracy. The research results were selected as the Frontispiece Cover of Advanced Materials Technologies, a global SCI journal in the field of advanced materials.


Professor Joon Sub Shim's research team has developed a system that can test for COVID-19 using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), which is used in precision blood tests. To create a low-cost system, they designed a biochip equipped with a valve and a pump function that sequentially moves reagents. Moreover, the system configuration was simplified by enabling the biochip to operate with the force of a local pressing of the roller. In addition, for various reactions of reagents in the enzyme immunoassay method, the movement and reaction time of reagents are controlled and fully automated using AI artificial intelligence technology.


The developed system detects the COVID-19 virus found in saliva down to a low concentration of 0.01 ng/mL, allowing for accurate testing even in people at an early stage of infection. It can also be widely distributed and connected to Internet servers at a low cost. Test results from across the country will be displayed on a map posted on the site so that the spread of the infectious disease can be tracked in real time. Thus, the Internet of Disease (IoD) platform was created, in which the transmission status of infectious diseases is updated via the Internet.


This research was carried out with the support of the National Research Foundation of Korea general research support project, and Kwangwoon University intramural research funds. The research results were published as a cover paper in the journal Advanced Materials Technologies (JCR Q1 ranking, Impact Factor: 8.856).



