Recent Research Accomplishments


Multi-Step Anti-Counterfeiting Device Using Femtosecond-Laser-Treated Gold Nanocluster and Graphene

  • admin
  • 2022-09-16
  • 1549


Professor Sangshin Lee's Research Team (Department of Electronic Engineering) Succeeded in Developing a Multi-Step Anti-Counterfeiting Device Using Femtosecond-Laser-Treated Gold Nanocluster and Graphene Hybrid Layer

- Solved the problem of limited encoding capacity of existing nanotechnology-based anti-counterfeiting devices -

- Overcame the vulnerabilities of duplication and counterfeiting by advanced structural analysis equipment -




[Shiru Jiang Combined Master's and Doctorate Program (left) and Professor Sang-Shin Lee (right)]


Professor Sangshin Lee's research team at Kwangwoon University (Department of Electronic Engineering) developed a multi-level anti-counterfeiting device using plasmonic gold nanocluster/graphene processed with a femtosecond laser integrated with a resonance cavity to solve the existing weak anti-counterfeiting problem. Multi-level anti-counterfeiting devices featuring random color patterns, reflections, and Raman spectra show unique response signals and are suitable for anti-counterfeiting because structural analysis of the device surface through SEM and AFM is impossible. This is because multiple information such as color patterns, reflection spectra, and Raman spectra, which are unknown through surface structure analysis, are hidden and encoded in the gold nanocluster/graphene layer.


This research was carried out through the support project for university-focused research institutes in science and engineering supported by the Ministry of Education through the National Research Foundation and the mid-level researcher support project supported by the Ministry of Science and ICT. The research results were published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF: 10.383), an internationally renowned journal published by ACS.


(The research:



 [Conceptual diagram of multi-level anti-counterfeiting device using femtosecond-laser-treated plasmonic gold nanocluster/graphene layer]