Recent Research Accomplishments


Professor Jae-Young Park's Team Develops a Hybrid Self-Powered Arbitrary Wave Motion Sensing System

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  • 2022-04-12
  • 1856

Professor Jae-Young Park's Team Develops a Hybrid Self-Powered Arbitrary Wave Motion Sensing System for Real-Time Wireless Marine Environment Monitoring Application


Development of a self-powered platform based on electromagnetic induction with an elliptical structure that can produce high-output electricity even in small waves

- Development of triboelectric-based self-powered motion sensors that can monitor detailed information of waves in real time

- Used for weather forecasting, Oceanography, marine navigation, aquaculture, and exploring sea resources



Professor Jae-Young Park's team (Department of Electronic Engineering) has succeeded in developing a self-powered sensor platform that can monitor marine water quality and the environment in real time without a battery using the principles of electromagnetic induction. and triboelectricity.



Hybrid Self-Powered Arbitrary Wave Motion Sensing System Performance Graph


This research was carried out with the support of the Research Foundation's mid-level research project (NRF-2020R1A2C2012820). The research results were published and selected as the cover image in Advanced Energy Materials (IF: 29.368published by Wiley, the world's leading journal, specializing in energy technology.


Journal Cover Photo


Wiley Article: https:

Korean Article: