Recent Research Accomplishments


Prof. Shin Hyuncheol’s Research Team Won the Excellent Paper Award From KIEES

  • admin
  • 2022-01-26
  • 1637

Prof. Shin Hyuncheol’s Research Team (Dpt. of Electronic Convergence Engineering) Won the Excellent Paper Award From the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science (KIEES)

신현철교수 사진


Professor Shin Hyuncheol's research team from the Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering won the Best Paper Award at the Fall Comprehensive Conference of the The Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science held at The-K Hotel in Seoul on November 19, 2021.


The award-winning thesis is “60GHz 2-Way Combining Power Amplifier MMIC with 25.3dBm Saturated Output Power in 0.25um GaAs pHEMT” (Authors: Cheon Junho, Seo Dooyong and Shin Hyuncheol). This thesis is the result of research conducted by a team of 4th year undergraduate students and graduate students through the KWIX undergraduate research program at KWU. The award was given in recognition of the creativity and excellence of the GaAs power amplifier MMIC integrated circuit design presented through this paper.


High-speed Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab ( of the Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering ( under the guidance of Professor Shin Hyuncheol, system semiconductors in RF, mmWave, and analog fields for 5G mobile communication and mmWave wireless communication He is researching the field of integrated circuit and antenna design.


Under the guidance of Professor Shin Hyeon-cheol, the Electronic Convergence Engineering Department's High-Speed Integrated Circuit and System Lab ( is studying system semiconductor integrated circuits and antenna design in the fields of RF, millimeter wave and analog for 5G mobile communication and millimeter wave wireless communication.