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Prof. Jeong Kwang-soo Wins Best Paper Award at 2021 Korea Software Congress (KSC)

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  • 2022-01-10
  • 1640

Prof. Jeong Kwang-soo Wins Best Paper Award at 2021 Korea Software Congress (KSC)


정광수 교수 우수논문상 수상


Prof. Jeong Kwang-soo (Electronic and Communication Engineering) won the Best Paper Award in ‘Information and Communication’ category at the 2021 Korea Software Congress (KSC) held at Phoenix Pyeongchang Hotel from Dec. 20 (Mon) to 22 (Wed), 2021.


The award-winning thesis is a “Priority-based task scheduling technique for QoS improvement in a collaborative environment between edge servers”, and research was conducted with Yoon Hyun-Jun (Master's Program, Electronic Communication Engineering) and Park Jin-Ho (Doctoral Program, Electronic Communication Engineering). “Terminal state-based streaming control system for blocking harmful videos in mobile devices” submitted together with Kang Jung-ho (Master’s program) and Kim Min-su (Doctoral program), “Graph convolution for multi-scale object detection” submitted with Hwang Jae-gi (Master’s program) and Kang Sung-joo (Doctoral program) “Network-based Characteristic Map Convergence Technique” was also selected as an excellent thesis in the fields of information communication and artificial intelligence, respectively.


The awards ceremony for the best and excellent papers was held at the General Assembly of the Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers at the Phoenix Park Hotel on December 21 (Tue).


Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers is the largest society in Korean in the field of information science with 4500 individual members, 19 special members, 23 group members and 7 domestic and foreign branches. The Korea Software Congress (KSC) is annual academic event with more than 600 papers published this year.