Prof. Cho Eun-Seong (School of Business Administration) To Publish a Thesis on Psychological Methods
- admin
- 2021-11-30
- 1842
Prof. Cho Eun-Seong (School of Business Administration) To Publish a Thesis on Psychological Methods, the Best Journal in the Field of Research Methodology

Professor Cho Eun-seong's thesis “The accuracy of reliability coefficients: A reanalysis of existing simulations” has been confirmed for publication in Psychological Methods, the best journal in the field of research methodology. The Impact Factor of Psychological Methods is 11.3, which is the 4th highest among 140 SSCI journals in Psychology-Multidisciplinary classification.
Professor Cho’s paper investigates the accuracy of reliability coefficients commonly used in social sciences. Existing simulations on this topic have led to different conclusions, the causes of which are rarely discussed.
Professor Cho re-analyses the existing simulations in his thesis to draw a clear conclusion about which reliability coefficient is the most accurate. This paper has been of interest because it provides a reinterpretation of famous papers. There are two papers that draw different conclusions from the same data, but it is not clear which of the two is correct. This paper argues that both interpretations are inaccurate, suggests a third interpretation, and refutes the mainstream views so far. Most of the existing studies claim that factor analysis-based reliability coefficients are more accurate, but Professor Cho suggests that the factor analysis approach is not superior to other approaches and explains why.