
2024 Spring Course Registration Guide for International Students

  • admin
  • 2024-02-21
  • 1631

Course Registration Guide for International Students for Spring Semester of 2024  (Changes to the new student registration schedule)


1. Registration: Course registration can be done through the Kwangwoon University course registration program 

   Log in to KLAS on the Kwangwoon Universitys website, download, and use the course registration program. 

   If you log in for the first time, search your student number -> Cell phone or email authentication -> Register your password 

    (If your email or mobile phone number provided at the time of admission has changed, contact the Office of International Affairs (02-940-5014))


2. Course registration schedule 

   Freshman course registration date: 2/22 (Thu) (Date has changed)

   Transfer student course registration date: 2/19 (Mon) 

   Current student course registration date: 2/14 (Wed)-16 (Fri), depending on the department 

    February 14 (Wed) 10:00 - 16:00: College of Electronic and Information Engineering (6 departments), College of Engineering (4 departments) 

    February 15 (Thu) 10:00 - 16:00: College of Artificial Intelligence and Convergence (3 departments), College of Natural Sciences (5 departments), College of Law and Public Policy (4 departments) 

    February 16 (Fri) 10:00 - 16:00: College of Humanities and Social Sciences (5 departments), College of Business (2 departments)

   If you have not applied for even one course: You can apply for only one day from the period of 2/23 (Fri)- 2/29 (Thu) (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays) 

  Course change period: 3/7 (Thu) - 3/8 (Fri) 10:00-16:00

  Course withdrawal period: 3/13 (Wed)-3/22 (Fri) 09:00-17:00


3. Place of course registration 

   In principle, course registration should be done with a personal computer.

(New Students) If you do not have access to a computer, you can register the course on 2/22 (Thu) from 9:30 to 11:00 at Rooms 202 and 204 in the Yeongu Building (연구관).

(No other dates or alternative locations are available)


4. Course Registration Manual: Refer to the attached file 

Course Registration Guide

Korean language video

English language video

Vietnamese language video 

Vietnam International Student Association video

Chinese language video


5. Chinese/Vietnamese International Student Association Freshman Information Session 

    Vietnam International Student Association: 2/16 (Fri) 1 pm - 3 pm, Munhwagwan #121

    Chinese Student Association : 2/19 (Mon) 1 pm -3 pm, Munhwagwan #121


6. Inquiry: Office of International Affairs (02-940-5014)


 Current status of foreigner-only courses in the spring semester of 2024: Refer to Attachment 1 

 Status of courses recognized as majors in other departments (departments) in the spring semester of 2024: Refer to Attachment 2)

 Current status of Korean language courses for the spring semester of 2024:

 Class registration materials for the spring semester of 2024: Refer to Attachment 3


Director of the Office of External and International Affairs