
Application Guide for 'Who am I' Class - Fall Semester, 2023

  • admin
  • 2023-11-14
  • 2521

Application Guide for 'Who am I' Class - Fall Semester, 2023


The International Exchange Team is offering the following three classes to help international students with self-discovery, career exploration, and other related topics. We look forward to your active participation and interest in these classes.


Self-exploration and Self-reflection Classes for International Students (I, II, III)

-Class Information-

1) Class Title: Who am I Class

2) Instructor: Pastor Jeongwoo Park

3) Class Schedule




Class Contents

2023. 11. 14(Tue)

6 pm to 7 pm

 Class I: Dream, Vison, Mission

2023. 11. 21(Tue)

 Class II: Life Vision Exploration

2023. 11. 28(Tue)

 Class III: Writing FUTURE LETTER 



4) Location: Munhwagwan, Room 118


-> Recruiting 20 international students at Kwangwoon University (May close early)


Click here to apply ->  APPLY 


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